I have usually waited untill the spawning is over but I´m not sure if I can wait so long this year.
But instead of the last minute planning of rods,reels,lines ETC,ETC....I have started to sort out everything now because I really hate to do my hobbies in hurry.
Because I also do some spincasting and jerkbait fishing it make the whole thing little more complicated,Anyway Im almost finished and some results:
For spincasting I´ll have two choises:
-Shakespeare Trion 7,6 feet lureweight 20-60g+Daiwa Coastal reel with a sparepool.
Lines to the spools will be Power Pro 0.19 and 0.28.
Second choice will be a:
-Shakespeare Ambidex titanium plus 7,6 feet lureweight 20-60g+Shimano Cruxis reel.
The line to this will be Power Pro 0.32.
For jerkbaitfishing I will choose a Strike Pro Contact 6,8 feet,lureweight
up to 180g+Shimano Calcutta 200 GTB reel.
The line will be Power pro 0.36 or 0.41,I havent decided yet.
I´ll have some old rods and reels in reserve if something will break but these are my first choice and for pikefishing.

And the next step will be to sort out my flyfish equipments from:
-Two #9 rods (Vision,Hardy)
-Two reels+ 6 sparepools
-Nine lines in class 9.
One ready set is my Guideline ACT in weightclass 8+Guideline Reelmaster reel and my choice for a line will be Guideline Pike #8.
The second ready set is my old reliable Orvis Clearwater rod + Orvis Battenkill LA
reel in class 6 with a guideline bullet line.
And what would this blog be without showing some new flies,model Regret.
These will propably be my last Regrets for some time,I have study flash tying for sometime now and think i will start with some practice this weekend.

And finally,here´s one who dont give a shit if I have to tie my flies without a chair