Spey clave

sunnuntai 24. huhtikuuta 2011

Good,Bad and ugl.. Kind

Got a Photo from the place were I use to launch my boat and even if there is some ice I still feel very optimistic that I could use this place to launch my boat next weekend but if it seems difficult I will find another place because I WANNA GO FISHING !!!!!

Because I have all my necessary stuff ready and still be in a flu including fever I have rested almost the whole easter except some small things like the tail lights to my trailer and some extra leaders.

Nothing strange about that but these are totally different then those I´ve built before.
Instead of using just 0.70 mono line I decided to go a different way.

Two different sizes of mono line first 0,70 then 0.50 and instead of Predator wire I finally will test the Optima Kevlar steel wire,I´ve heard lot of praise of it.
And I will also test these new nameless locks instead of my old reliable Berkleys Snap locks.
Even if I will test these new locks I´ll have to praise those Berkleys Snap locks.
I´ll never ever have lost a fish or fly because of these locks so they will be hard to beat in my use.

And from praises to carping.
Bought me some Scientific Anglers pike leaders for my lightweight lines.
They wasn´t expensive but still I think that you have the right to require for at least some durability.

The package looks like this:

And by just taking the leader out from is package made the stiff wire warp like this:

I couldn´t fix it straight anymore so I dont think I will use these leaders again.

I think that will be all for today but just to remind you readers at least from southern Finland of how fast the spring has become here is a photo from beginning of March taken from "Puu-Vallila" in Helsinki.

I wrote about some good stuff,some bad stuff and finally some kind stuff.
Some people dislike Sfinx cats because what they look like,Well....it´s up to you to decide but let me introduce you my Older daughters cat called Hercules,never ever met a cat so kind and goodhearted.

10 kommenttia:

  1. No on kyllä hurjan näkönen mirri. Onko allergian vuoksi vai ihan muuten vaan?

    Ps. Arvaa kuka lähtee koskelle tiistaina ja keskiviikkona, kun emolla on vapaat?


  2. Hmm are you sure that "thing" is really a cat? It rather seems a fat bat ;)


  3. Lastu:Ei kyllä se on ihan rotu,Sfinx
    Psycho:Hmm,lepakko,mulla taas tuli mieleen pakastebroileri :))

  4. Lastulle jatkoa kun kone taas temppuilee:siis Rotukissa Sfinx muuten vaan kun tykkäsi ulkonäöstä,en tiedä meinaako näyttelyyn asti viedä.

  5. Joo, siis tarkotin että onko tytölläsi allergia, ettei voi olla karvallista kissaa kotona? Vai oliko vaan ihastunut kyseiseen rotuun. Mahtaa olla outo tunne silitellessä tommosta kissaa. Tykkääkö ne edes siitä?

    Karvaton mirri on kyllä ihan jees ;)
    Isoilta pojilta kuulin grillin nurkilla..

  6. Nyt meni Lastulla "lemmikit" sekaisin ;)
    Omalla kohdalla kissalla ja koiralla pitää olla karvaa, sillä toisella mirrillä ei välttämättä ;)


  7. Kyllähän tuota saisi silitellä päivät pitkätysten jos vain jaksaisi,aika leikkisäkin on,onneksi ei vielä kovin pitkiä/teräviä kynsiä omista neljän kuukauden iässä

  8. Kirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.

  9. Ive been using one of these for some years now Djuza. works perfect for my loop pike wire as well.



  10. Simon:That sure looks like a useful tool.
