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torstai 22. elokuuta 2013

Fishing with new big ties 17/8 2013

Sorry for not posting anything for a while,have been busy with this and that,and of course I have been lazy also.
Anyway there's not much to tell you about,was out fishing last weekend,this time with flies only which was a bad decision because of a wind lying around 10 m/s and flies big as seagulls and a 9 weight rod,think my longest cast was no more then 15 meter.
Surprisingly I still managed to catch some fishes,but still dropped a lot ,two of them felt a bit bigger than the fishes I caught.

Not any monsters as you can see,no matter,love them all.
One thing that I have to deal with is that fishing with flies wasn't effective as it would have been with lures in this wind,was at one of my better spots,the wind direction was nearly perfect.Only it could have been a bit less of it,4 maybe 5 m/s and it would have been perfect.
can't really explain it but I left this spot with a feeling I didn't fished it effective enough,I'm almost sure I left some big guns unhooked here,
One reason might be that I have increased size of my flies,fished all day with my new creations which are 30-35 cm (11-14 inches) long,might have been too early for flies this big ???
Didn't fish systematic either,some casts here and some casts there and then moved on,that's not the way I use to go for,some mental training will cure that problem :)

Here is some of my newest ties,big hopes on them later on when the water cools down a bit.

And finally some photos from the trip and after it.
Will go out both Saturday and Sunday with some new tricks in my pocket so hopefully there will be something to write about.

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