Well,yesterday I tied a couple of "Replot Stingers" variations,variations because I did not have all the materials that i needed but I think they look pretty good anyway.
When I was looking for my superglue I found some pieces of fur that my brothers wife gave to me several years ago,oh my god it was so soft that I just had to get it somewhere in the flies.

The assortment of colors was not very big as you can see so I tied just two of them.
I started with som Schlappen-feathers back on the fly,then tide a bunch of Bucktail to give some volume to the fly,the next step was to tie a Raccoon-zonkerstrip on the shank,the tricky thing was to cut a thin strip of the fur I found(I belive it is Fox),But when I found sharp scissors enough I succeed at last,then I tied this strip on the end of the shank,Whip-finishing and......here they are.

And the second fly...

Of these two I have BIIIIG expectations on the second one,I think the colours looking pretty good to autumn conditions,of those I tied yesterday I have decided that the pink/white will deliver me some Pikes,and yes I mean it,it will...
Can´t hardly wait for the weekend to go fishing,hopefully the weather conditions will be at least tolerable for fly-fishing,I have such a good feeling.....
Komeita perhoja ja ennenkaikkea kivaa vaihtelua :D itte oon jämähtänyt ainaisiin HD/slinky perhoihin enkä edes jaksa yrittää mitään omia virityksiä